distriqt / ANE-Adverts-Mediation

Mediation adapters for the Adverts ANE
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Logs show a possible problem #30

Closed shaymolho closed 3 years ago

shaymolho commented 3 years ago

My code:

Adverts.service.addEventListener(AdvertsEvent.INITIALISED, initialisedHandler);
Adverts.service.addEventListener(ErrorEvent.ERROR, errorHandler);

function initialisedHandler( event:AdvertsEvent ):void 
    for each (var adapterStatus:AdapterStatus in e.adapterStatus)
        trace( "adapter: " + adapterStatus.name + " : " + adapterStatus.state + " [" + adapterStatus.latency + "] - " + adapterStatus.description );

As written in the docs

I see the following logs:

2021/06/10 12:53:08.759  [INFO] [ScriptClass ModulesMobileAdvertsService] - adapter: com.google.android.gms.ads.MobileAds : READY [5] - 
2021/06/10 12:53:08.760  [INFO] [ScriptClass ModulesMobileAdvertsService] - adapter: com.google.ads.mediation.facebook.FacebookMediationAdapter : READY [932] - 
2021/06/10 12:53:08.760  [INFO] [ScriptClass ModulesMobileAdvertsService] - adapter: com.google.ads.mediation.ironsource.IronSourceMediationAdapter : NOT_READY [879] - Failed to initialize adapter. com.google.ads.mediation.ironsource.IronSourceMediationAdapter does not implement the initialize() method.
2021/06/10 12:53:08.761  [INFO] [ScriptClass ModulesMobileAdvertsService] - adapter: com.google.ads.mediation.unity.UnityMediationAdapter : NOT_READY [3130] - 111: Missing or Invalid Game ID.
2021/06/10 12:53:08.761  [INFO] [ScriptClass ModulesMobileAdvertsService] - Adverts Initialized Completed

What do these line mean and how to resolve those issues? logcat file attached: ad_network_tracing.txt

marchbold commented 3 years ago

Thanks for reporting this, it may be related to #29 which we are looking into as well.

Can you post the complete logs or make sure you include distriqt in your filter

shaymolho commented 3 years ago


marchbold commented 3 years ago

Could you try this build for me:


shaymolho commented 3 years ago

With this build the app crashes on loading. Logs attached. network_tracing.txt

marchbold commented 3 years ago

Could you try adding the com.jetbrains.kotlin ane from Android support?


shaymolho commented 3 years ago

I saw that

    android:authorities="APPLICATION_PACKAGE.IronsourceLifecycleProvider" />

is in the docs but not in the example. Is that on purpose? Should I include it in my xml?

shaymolho commented 3 years ago

Also, I see this message when building apk:

 [exec] An implementation for native extension 'com.jetbrains.kotlin.ane' required by the application was not found for the target platform.

Can you advise on it?

marchbold commented 3 years ago

Try removing the .ane from the end of the extension id in your application descriptor.

The lifecycle provider appears to have been removed from the latest release of ironsource so it's no longer needed. You should just have 3 additional activities for ironsource.

            android:hardwareAccelerated="true" />
            android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Translucent" />
            android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Translucent" />
shaymolho commented 3 years ago
2021/06/22 11:54:33.028  [INFO] [ScriptClass ModulesMobileAdvertsService] - adapter: com.google.android.gms.ads.MobileAds : READY [2] - 
2021/06/22 11:54:33.029  [INFO] [ScriptClass ModulesMobileAdvertsService] - adapter: com.google.ads.mediation.facebook.FacebookMediationAdapter : READY [800] - 
2021/06/22 11:54:33.030  [INFO] [ScriptClass ModulesMobileAdvertsService] - adapter: com.google.ads.mediation.ironsource.IronSourceMediationAdapter : READY [748] - 
2021/06/22 11:54:33.030  [INFO] [ScriptClass ModulesMobileAdvertsService] - adapter: com.google.ads.mediation.unity.UnityMediationAdapter : NOT_READY [2416] - 111: Missing or Invalid Game ID.

Now IronSource is okay. Do you know how to resolve

2021/06/22 11:54:33.030 [INFO] [ScriptClass ModulesMobileAdvertsService] - adapter: com.google.ads.mediation.unity.UnityMediationAdapter : NOT_READY [2416] - 111: Missing or Invalid Game ID.

Thanks for the support

marchbold commented 3 years ago

Can you open a new issue for the unity ads extension and we'll look into it, generally I believe that should be retrieved from the server, so could mean your account isn't setup completely for unity ads?