distriqt / ANE-Core

ANE providing a centralised library for native extension common utilities and a notification / delegation system
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iBeacon ANE issue #7

Closed famousfish closed 8 years ago

famousfish commented 8 years ago

I'm encountering an issue with the iBeacon ANE. Indeed, I use your demo code in a simple app for monitoring a region with numerous estimote devices. The code works well BUT if i disable/enable bluetooth several times in android menu, the device (the entire android system) can't detect anymore any bluetooth signal.

The only way to get back a normal running is to empty the app data cache in bluetooth system.

So, at this point, I can't use your ANE in a professional project. We can't ask app users to empty data cache manually. Do you know this problem ? Please, could you have a look about this ?

I used these devices :

marchbold commented 8 years ago


Can you explain a little more what you are doing to cause the issue? How do you "disable/enable bluetooth", is it through the extension?

famousfish commented 8 years ago

Finally, this issue happens even if i let the app running (without disable/enable bluetooth process).

Here is my process : I made a simple app for monitoring a region (with 5 iBeacons from Estimote) pretty near for testing. I let this app running (i can see a lot of beacon update events, all is normal) but after around 15 - 20 minutes, the app detect an "exit region", then the device can't detect any bluetooth signal anymore.

It seems the app data cache of bluetooth system app is corrupted. Thx

marchbold commented 8 years ago

So you don't need to switch BT on and off, simply let it run for 15-20 minutes?

Are you doing anything in your code on the update events?

famousfish commented 8 years ago

Yes, I simply let it run for 15-20 minutes. With the update events, I am only watching for beaconObjects in a loop to detect major and minor id.

for each (var beacon:BeaconObject in event.beacons) trace(event.region.uuid + beacon.major + beacon.minor);

distriqt-developer commented 8 years ago

I'm going to move this issue to the Beacon issue tracker. As it's unrelated to this ANE.
