distriqt / ANE-CustomResources

Android Custom Resources for AIR Applications
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Just see the bell - not the custom icon #38

Closed chrisDK1977 closed 4 years ago

chrisDK1977 commented 5 years ago

Hi, I have added the ANE you sent me to the library (using Intellij Idea) and in the application descriptor:


but still get the bell.

In the ANE there are the correct images...

Anything more I have to do?

marchbold commented 5 years ago

Can you clarify exactly what you have done, what resources are in your ANE and what service you are using?

chrisDK1977 commented 5 years ago

sorry... missed the name of the ANE... So - I have sent the resources/images to airnativeextensions@distriqt.com and got a link to download the CustomResources ANE.

I adeed it to the library in our module in intellij idea and in the application descriptor as above.

marchbold commented 5 years ago

Can you clarify what resources have you included?

chrisDK1977 commented 5 years ago

I used this tool: https://romannurik.github.io/AndroidAssetStudio/icons-notification.html#source.type=clipart&source.clipart=ac_unit&source.space.trim=1&source.space.pad=0&name=ic_stat_distriqt_default (with a predefined icon/clipart) as discribed in your tutorial, sent it to your support and distriqt sent me a link to download an CustomResources ANE. That are the resources!!!

marchbold commented 5 years ago

So you have a single icon resource named ic_stat_distriqt_default in your custom resources ANE.

What service are you using?

chrisDK1977 commented 5 years ago

In META-INF\ANE\Android-ARM\customresources\ there are drawable-XXX folders containing the icons. (please take a look in the ANE which you have provided us via DropBox at 17.4.2019)

We are using OneSignal.

marchbold commented 5 years ago

Hi, We generate a lot of those ANEs so I'm not sure which one is yours.

If you are using OneSignal, it doesn't use our notification implementation and instead you need to supply a resource named ic_stat_onesignal_default . We are currently updating the icon documentation to correctly reflect this information.

chrisDK1977 commented 5 years ago

Where can I find the updated documentation?

marchbold commented 5 years ago

We will be updating the wiki next week.