distriqt / ANE-GooglePlayServices

Shared library including the Google Play Services Client Library
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measurements lib inside .base breaks ANEs #10

Closed ventr1x closed 4 years ago

ventr1x commented 4 years ago

Upgrading gps to the newest version (19th March) breaks every other ANE using google measurements, especially your own Firebase ANEs.

I'm currently using a version from last September and everything works (I need to upgrade for ad networks).

Replacing only the .base ANE with a newer version breaks e.g. Firebase. So I guess you included measurements into the base ANE for whatever reason. Could you look into this and maybe remove measurements from .base again?

marchbold commented 4 years ago


We are still in progress of updating our ANEs, please be patient as we complete this major update.

marchbold commented 4 years ago

You can follow the progress here: https://github.com/orgs/distriqt/projects/2

We aim to have it complete by Wednesday

ventr1x commented 4 years ago

What exactly should I look for there? I see an entry for Firebase, but I don't really care about Firebase nor AndroidX in this issue but about including measurements into the .base ANE - which was never the case in the past. Will this be removed again, best even added to its own ANE as the Firebase ANE conflicts with e.g. IronSrc right now?

marchbold commented 4 years ago

Can you clarify exactly what extensions are conflicting?

marchbold commented 4 years ago

FYI, the measurements lib has always been in the base ane

ventr1x commented 4 years ago

How does it suddenly result in a conflict after updating it to the newest version? Using newest Firebase and base ANE points to duplicate measurements lib being included. The same goes for any other ANE using measurements, e.g. any admob plugin (e.g. IronSrc).

To test it I removed everything from our App (no external ANE included) and only updated the .base ANE from last September to the newest. Throws duplicate lib error while Firebase (no matter the version) is included.

marchbold commented 4 years ago

As I said, we are in the midst of a major update. The Android X update includes a major GPS update, so as of right now GPS and Firebase are out-of-sync, until we release the Firebase update.

This has been part of the AndroidX release as the version of GPS was being held back because we couldn't release it without the AndroidX update.

So if the conflict is between Firebase and GPS then please wait until we have released both updates.