distriqt / ANE-GooglePlayServices

Shared library including the Google Play Services Client Library
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Getting a Series of Errors Related to Play Services When Compiling For iOS #15

Closed ArifRocks closed 3 years ago

ArifRocks commented 3 years ago

Hi there. Am currently trying to compile for iOS and using the following libraries - Adverts, Applications, Facebook API, Game Services and InApp Billing. The Android version works fine but this error appears when compiling for iOS.

Am using the latest version of all the libraries which were downloaded yesterday. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!


marchbold commented 3 years ago

The play services references in there are just warnings, stating that it is using the default implementation and is completely expected on iOS, and any non-android platforms.

The error you are seeing is the "Undefined symbolds ... __isPlatformVersionAtLeast". This means you either haven't added or have an old version of the lib clang in your AIR SDK.

Copy the library libclang_rt.ios.a into your AIR SDK and place it at: [AIR_SDK]/lib/aot/lib

You can grab the library file here


Please vote for this issue: https://github.com/Gamua/Adobe-Runtime-Support/issues/113

ArifRocks commented 3 years ago

Yes, that's resolved the issue. Thank you for your help :)

marchbold commented 3 years ago

Great to hear!