distriqt / ANE-GooglePlayServices

Shared library including the Google Play Services Client Library
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Error When ANE Is included in project #3

Closed izzmeifter closed 8 years ago

izzmeifter commented 8 years ago

We require this ANE to be used with the FacebookSDK ANE but when including this ANE and trying to compile, we get the following Error. This has been tested with AIR 18 and 19

screen shot 2015-10-26 at 7 08 32 pm


marchbold commented 8 years ago

Have you tried increasing the memory available to java?

izzmeifter commented 8 years ago

Yes. We are using IntelliJ 14, and have allocated over 2 gig of ram following these instructions


It doesn't seem to help. Removing this ANE, everything compiles quite quick (with 8 other ANES from District) but adding this one, results with this everytime. I'll continue investigating but as of now, we have no solution.

izzmeifter commented 8 years ago

Sorry guys. we were increasing the memory in the wrong place. For Flex/AIR projects it needs to be done via the settings and not the vmoptions file. All is working now! - Thanks guys!

marchbold commented 8 years ago

No problems, glad you found the issue.