distriqt / ANE-GooglePlayServices

Shared library including the Google Play Services Client Library
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Compile errors when including this extension #5

Closed philvessey closed 8 years ago

philvessey commented 8 years ago

Im building for Android and my project has the following extensions:

Adverts AndroidSupport Core Dialog Notifications

Whenever I include the GooglePlayServices ane and compile I get the following:

........\Users\phill\AppData\Local\Temp\5128dd27-d5e6-4128-9da3-156fabcd22cc\out\com\google\android\gms\maps\model\internal\zzc.smali[0,0] null

and the compile fails. It works fine everytime without this extension being included but a lot of the ANEs need this

distriqt-developer commented 8 years ago


This will be an issue with one of the other ANEs you are using. Do you mind posting in the relevant repository?
