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Push Notification iOS Compilation Problem #137

Closed wztechno closed 10 years ago

wztechno commented 10 years ago

Hello guys,

We are using Adobe Flash Professional CC, AIR SDK 14 windows Based, and we used your native push notification that we bought successfully on Android. Now when we follow the same steps for iOS compiling we get the following error.

Attached is an image that shows the error. Fast Help is needed here. untitled-1

wztechno commented 10 years ago

Here is the XML we used

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no" ?>

    To localize the description, use the following format for the description element.
    <text xml:lang="en">English App description goes here</text>
    <text xml:lang="fr">French App description goes here</text>
    <text xml:lang="ja">Japanese App description goes here</text>

    To localize the name, use the following format for the name element.
    <text xml:lang="en">English App name goes here</text>
    <text xml:lang="fr">French App name goes here</text>
    <text xml:lang="ja">Japanese App name goes here</text>
<application xmlns="http://ns.adobe.com/air/application/14.0">

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>

marchbold commented 10 years ago


Your entitlements section isn't quite correct, you're missing some dashes.

marchbold commented 10 years ago

Also, Please make sure you are including a recent version of the iOS SDK.

wztechno commented 10 years ago

We are compiling using AIR SDK 14 on Windows Platform.. After we read your tutorials online, yes we found you mentioned something about including a recent version of the iOS SDK, but we are using Adobe Flash CC, and we liked searched all over the program and found nowhere to include the most recent version of iOS SDK. Can you kindly help ? isn't that supposed to be included in AIR SDK 14?

marchbold commented 10 years ago


Please see our tutorial on using native extensions for more information:


wztechno commented 10 years ago

We did not find in the tutorial a paragraph which explains what to do on a Flash CC, only Flash CS6, and options has changed, do you recommend we compile using command prompt?

wztechno commented 10 years ago

and is it ok if we use iOS SDK 7.1? Or should we stick to to version 6.1?

rilton-lucena commented 9 years ago

I have the same problem, using OSX, Air 14, Flash Builder and SDK 7.1. Any help?

rilton-lucena commented 9 years ago

Worked for me using Air 4.0 and iphone SDK 7.1.