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Facebook ANE: Examples for openGraphStoryDialog() and openGraphStoryWithAPI #141

Closed masqueanthony closed 9 years ago

masqueanthony commented 10 years ago

Does anyone have a working example of openGraphStoryDialog() or openGraphStoryWithAPI()? I have a sample Facebook Web app written in PHP that works, but when I try to use similar code in an iOS app, the share dialog's POST button is disabled (and the details we entered show up for 1/2 a second and then disappear. The openGraphStoryWithAPI() function doesn't seem to do anything at all.

koriner commented 10 years ago

If the the post button is disabled, sometimes this is because your user is not authorised to publish it. Is the facebook user you're logged in as added to your Facebook app as a developer or admin under the "roles" section?

Also, check that the permissions for your open graph action has the "explicitly shared" capability enabled and that you are setting the explicitlyShared property on your parameters.

Custom open graph stories can be really temperamental!