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push notification question #158

Closed wztechno closed 10 years ago

wztechno commented 10 years ago


I want to be able to save the notification sent to my phone as follow:

title : message title content: the actual message

so I need to have access to all the different payloads delivered by the notification, I understand that this can be achieved inside the "pn_notificationHandler" function in the example code, but what specific code allows me to trace the message alone from the notification (something like trace(event.data.message))

thank you in advance!

marchbold commented 10 years ago


The payload of the notification is delivered with the event in the data variable, this is generally json so you can do something like the following:

    JSON.parse( event.data );
catch (e:Error)

If you wish to just store the data, the PushNotificationEvent.data is just a String.
