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Speed up captureImage? #190

Closed colmandesilva closed 8 years ago

colmandesilva commented 10 years ago

Is there any way to speed up captureImage? Currently it takes from 3 - 4 seconds (iPad mini and iPad retina) to capture the image. it's quite a long time for the user to wait and potentially hold the device still. If I set waitForAdjustment to false it goes down to 2-2.5 seconds however I just get a black/dark image returned.

marchbold commented 10 years ago

Are you saving to disk as well?

The waitForAdjustment causes the process to wait for the camera to correctly focus / adjust to the lighting etc, which is why you may occasionally get a black or dark image on the first take.

colmandesilva commented 10 years ago


No i am not saving to disk. I was just wondering if there is any way to just speed up the time to capture an image. I feel like 3-4 seconds is a long time for the user to wait and hold the device. Obviously the native photo application takes a picture really fast - almost instantaneous. Any way to get the time dow by 50% at least?