distriqt / airnativeextensions

DEPRECATED: Original repository of the distriqt native extensions and is no longer maintained. Please see our site for the latest ANEs
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iOS never recognizes barcode #192

Closed CoIin closed 10 years ago

CoIin commented 10 years ago

The sample code works correctly on Android, but on iOS the Scanner ANE never recognizes the barcode.

marchbold commented 10 years ago

It has definitely been used to successfully scan barcodes and qr codes, we've used it ourselves. Can you give us more information about what you've attempted, and the setup options you're using? Also what devices are you testing on? (please be aware that this requires a device with autofocus).

CoIin commented 10 years ago

I made a new FLA and set your TestScanner.as as its document class. I can build that to Kindle Fire HDX or Acer Iconia A500 and it works fine, the camera refocuses and each time the code is added to the text field. If I build to iPad Air or iPhone 5, the refocusing happens, but nothing is added to the text field.

I tried in single mode too, and then the Android devices exit as soon as the code comes in, but iOS never exits, until I touch the cancel button.

About the refocusing, long ago when I was encouraging you to make this ANE, I asked if you could NOT require refocusing! One of my main intended uses is to have a Google Glass app, but that camera doesn't do refocusing.

For now though I do need it to work on iOS, so if you have any ideas why your own code doesn't work, that would be good! I wonder, could it be that you only ever tried it on iOS 6?

marchbold commented 10 years ago


I've tested on an iPhone 5s running the latest iOS and have other people using it as well, so it has been confirmed to work. I've got an update to go out today that I'll push into github soon so perhaps try the update and see if that helps. Though it's really only the addition of the positional information of the codes.


CoIin commented 10 years ago

Well, this is bizarre! I didn't yet put in the new build, but my test that failed before is now working, without any changes. My best bet is that my test prefers Thursdays!

Also, on iOS it seems to work instantly, and without any refocusing. On Android it does one major refocus twitch, then reads.

Thanks for checking the problem out.