distriqt / airnativeextensions

DEPRECATED: Original repository of the distriqt native extensions and is no longer maintained. Please see our site for the latest ANEs
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local notification #239

Closed quick6black closed 9 years ago

quick6black commented 9 years ago

Downloaded latest extension and I am getting this error when trying to compile it

Error occurred while packaging the application: Undefined symbols for architecture armv7: "_OBJCCLASS$_UIUserNotificationSettings", referenced from: objc-class-ref in libcom.distriqt.Notifications.a(Notifications.o) ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture armv7 Compilation failed while executing : ld64

I am using flash builder 4.7

marchbold commented 9 years ago


Please update to the latest AIR beta and use the iOS 8 SDK. As this was a fix for iOS 8 you'll need to update as well.
