distriqt / airnativeextensions

DEPRECATED: Original repository of the distriqt native extensions and is no longer maintained. Please see our site for the latest ANEs
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Update FacebookAPI ANE to support latest SDK #242

Closed koriner closed 9 years ago

koriner commented 9 years ago

This task is required for the FacebookAPI extension to use the latest Facebook SDK in order to support the current changes to their APIs.

Note that after this update, you will most likely need to update your app and test its Facebook features to ensure everything still works.

We'll try to limit any breaking changes as much as possible.

shamruk commented 9 years ago

Looking forward to the upgrade

shamruk commented 9 years ago

Facebook API 2.0 should be implemented in apps by December 25 ("Upgrading to v2.0+ Before December 25th") it means some time is needed to migrate and up to two weeks needed to pass App-Store approve. Is there a release date for ANE upgrade?

minimedj commented 9 years ago

We are waiting for it...

minimedj commented 9 years ago

Hi guys, I just want to remind you all that we have to update Facebook ANE until 25 of December 2014.

Any news on this subject?

koriner commented 9 years ago

Yes, it's in progress. The iOS version is nearly ready. Android will be done ASAP after that.

minimedj commented 9 years ago

@koriner Thank you guys! Please tell me how can I get noticed when FacebookANE is released?

shamruk commented 9 years ago

It would be great to get iOS version as soon as possible even if it is beta stage. May be you can share it when iOS is ready but before the android version is released.

koriner commented 9 years ago

Sure - I will release a beta of the iOS version once it's ready and before I complete the Android version.

@minimedj Following us on Twitter and Facebook etc is the best way to be notified of updates. I will also post in this thread when the iOS version is ready for testing.

minimedj commented 9 years ago

@koriner Thank you for mentioning Twitter! =)

koriner commented 9 years ago

Hi everyone, sorry for the delay, but we have just released our extensions platform, which contains the FacebookAPI update for the 2.0 SDKs.

You can access the new website and management system at http://airnativeextensions.com

In order to get access, you'll need to register in the new system using your github account and import your developer key. We've got a tutorial covering it all here: http://airnativeextensions.com/knowledgebase/tutorial/2#import

Let us know if you have any issues!