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Clarification for FacebookAppRequestParams #262

Closed minimedj closed 9 years ago

minimedj commented 9 years ago

Hi guys,

To invite friends to my game I use the following code:

var params:FacebookAppRequestParams = new FacebookAppRequestParams();
params.app_id = "FB_APP_ID";
params.data = "my_payload";
params.redirect_url = "APP_STORE_URL";
FacebookAPI.service.openRequestsDialog(params, requestDialogResultHandler);

How I can retrieve params.data = "my_payload"; when invitation is being accepted?

minimedj commented 9 years ago

For those who might be interested you do it this way:


You will het nice JSON that shows you all requests with data field attached.

koriner commented 9 years ago

There are also helper methods built in to the ANE which help with loading app request data.

When your app starts up from someone accepting a request, a FacebookAppRequestEvent.APP_REQUESTS_FOUND event will be dispatched.

If you get this event, you can use the FacebookAPI.service.loadAppRequestInfo() method to load data about them.

This stuff is covered in the documentation as well:



Your method should work anyway as these helper functions are just wrappers for the graph API.