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Notifications: a way to work further with scheduled notifications #276

Closed maskagency closed 8 years ago

maskagency commented 9 years ago

Hi Michael,

I have found my way to schedule regularly repeating notifications on Android through a FOR cycle to set up predefined count of notifications. It would be great however to be able to work with these notifications in the future - like reading an array (maybe getNotifications similar to getEvents in Calendar ANE) - for example to check, how many notifications are scheduled, if they are any at all (after phone reboot for example) - at least to know, that I should reschedule them or to set further notifications without duplicity risk etc. I know I can delete an individual notification all at once with cancel(id) and cancelAll() methods. But what if I need to know e.g. the time index or any other settings of any scheduled notification?

Thank you in advance

Best regards