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Dialog: confusing methods naming? #277

Closed maskagency closed 8 years ago

maskagency commented 9 years ago

Hi Michael,

today I have tried another ANE from your team - Dialog. Everything works great, only one thing was confusing for me.

I expected the showMultipleChoiceDialog method to create a multi-select dialog with checkboxes, but it pops up a standard one-option-select dialog. Instead the showSelectPopover method works for multi-selection. Is that mismatch or am I missing a point? Not a crucial issue (if ever) of course, things work, when one understands what is what .o)

And was it intent not to show the Cancel and other buttons in Popover? I know, it closes when the user tap out of the container, but it behaves differently from other Dialogs in the box. Maybe it would be nicer united with other dialogs.

Best regards

marchbold commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the feedback. I think you are right that the naming is probably a little off here. I'll look to correct it in a future release.

Regards Michael