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Calendar: opening app from calendar #279

Closed maskagency closed 9 years ago

maskagency commented 9 years ago

Hi Michael,

today's topic is Calendar: would it be possible to open my application directly from Calendar based on some event (e.g. NOTE_SELECTED)? Something similar like NOTIFICATION_SELECTED in Notifications ANE. Events in calendar set by my app remind a user to do something in the app on regular basis and it would be nice to add a note "Click here to continue ..." and allow a user to do the expected job in the app.

Thank you for considering.

Best regards

marchbold commented 9 years ago


I am not aware of any native SDK that allows this sort of operation. Have you seen something like this occur elsewhere?

maskagency commented 9 years ago


not I haven't, just was curious if it's possible at all. Doesn't the native Calendar SDK offer calendar events such as EventAccepted, EventDeclined, EventTentative, NoteSelected etc? I thought it does, since at least on Android tapping on Accept, Decline or Tentative brings a pop up dialog with TextInput and Send button, so it must listen for an event like this. That's the matter of fact that iOS doesn't show any similar dialogs (doesn't dispatch similar events). But maybe Android is capable for such things.

Best regards

marchbold commented 9 years ago

As far as I'm aware I've not seen anything in the documentation about this. I'll close this issue for now but if you find something you want us to implement I'll look into it.
