distriqt / airnativeextensions

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Native maps extension swc file missing function #280

Closed jomeo closed 8 years ago

jomeo commented 9 years ago

I need to compile our swf file before packaging and I have extracted the swc file from the ane: com.distriqt.NativeMaps.ane.

The problem is that the setter function "customIconId" in the class MapMarker does not exist and is therefore unable to compile my project.

The error is: Error: Access of possibly undefined property customIconId. marker.customIconId = "myCustomIcon";

koriner commented 9 years ago

@jomeo Is this only when using the SWC after you've unzipped it? Does the method work when you are using the actual ANE?

jomeo commented 9 years ago

It works fine with ANE, it is only when using the unzipped SWC that the "customiconid" is creating the error