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Local Notifications not working on IOS7 #286

Closed quick6black closed 9 years ago

quick6black commented 9 years ago

App loads fine on IOS 8, won't load on IOS 7. Crashes the app, all I did was replace the old ANE with the new one and recompile. Any one else experiencing this issue or have a work around?


marchbold commented 9 years ago

Hi, Could you post the logs from the device console?

quick6black commented 9 years ago

here is the crash report from the console

ov 14 13:54:39 Nash-Laptops-iPhone ReportCrash[851] : Formulating crash report for process IAmAwareNow[850] Nov 14 13:54:39 Nash-Laptops-iPhone com.apple.launchd1 : (UIKitApplication:com.anashtech.iamaware[0xf72e]) Job appears to have crashed: Trace/BPT trap: 5 Nov 14 13:54:39 Nash-Laptops-iPhone com.apple.launchd1 : (UIKitApplication:com.anashtech.iamaware[0xf72e]) Throttling respawn: Will start in 2147483647 seconds Nov 14 13:54:39 Nash-Laptops-iPhone backboardd[28] : Application 'UIKitApplication:com.anashtech.iamaware[0xf72e]' exited abnormally with signal 5: Trace/BPT trap: 5 Nov 14 13:54:39 Nash-Laptops-iPhone ReportCrash[851] : Saved crashreport to /var/mobile/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/IAmAwareNow_2014-11-14-135438_Nash-Laptops-iPhone.ips using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 501 egid: 0

quick6black commented 9 years ago

Here is the error message from the crash report

Dyld Error Message: Symbol not found: _OBJCCLASS$_UIUserNotificationSettings Referenced from: /var/mobile/Applications/963CFEB6-A9D7-4E14-B889-A410AEE8BB08/IAmAwareNow.app/IAmAwareNow Expected in: /System/Library/Frameworks/UIKit.framework/UIKit in /var/mobile/Applications/963CFEB6-A9D7-4E14-B889-A410AEE8BB08/IAmAwareNow.app/IAmAwareNow Dyld Version: 324.1

marchbold commented 9 years ago

Thanks, I'll look into it.

quick6black commented 9 years ago


were you able to come up with a resolution?


marchbold commented 9 years ago

Hi, What version of AIR and the iOS SDK are you using? Can you make sure you are using AIR v15+ and iOS SDK v8+? And let me know if the error is still occurring?

quick6black commented 9 years ago

I am using Flash builder 4.7 on windows 7 to compile. I did download the latest version of apache flex with air beta and I still have the same issues. I did a web search and can find no information on installing the IOS SDK on a windows computer.

marchbold commented 9 years ago

Here's a link to iOS 8


quick6black commented 9 years ago

thanks for the link, I did the download, and compiled with the SDK. Still having the same behavior. I did a web search on the error message from above "Dyld Error Message:" and there are other users that have experienced similar problems with linking to libraries in xcode


marchbold commented 9 years ago

The error is generally related to missing frameworks during packaging which is why the SDK option seemed most likely. How are you including the SDK when packaging?

quick6black commented 9 years ago

I added it in through the flash builder GUI, and flash builder updated the compiler arguments to include the SDK path.


marchbold commented 9 years ago

Do you mind trying the 8.1 sdk as well:


quick6black commented 9 years ago

recompiled with the updated SDK, same error.

marchbold commented 9 years ago

Right, Thanks for that, Where is the error occurring? Is it at runtime or during packaging?

quick6black commented 9 years ago

the app compiles fine, installs fine, but when starting the app the error is thrown and the app will not load

marchbold commented 9 years ago

Right, Can you isolate which function is being called or is it not even getting to that point?

quick6black commented 9 years ago

not getting to that point, splash screen does not even load.

quick6black commented 9 years ago

I was able to resolve the issue by recreating the project. Appreciate your time.

marchbold commented 9 years ago

Ah okay, glad you found a solution.