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Pushnotification ANE : Is not support to show image on notification? #287

Closed sam0910 closed 9 years ago

sam0910 commented 9 years ago

Greetings! Thank you so much for the great job.

Is 'Pushnotification ANE' support image(url)? If it is not, Can I have alternative way to do it?

ex, preventing ANE fire a notification when receive the JSON data, fire a local notification with it. I've checked you PushNotificationEvent pass my own JSON data that I sent to GCM.

Thanks again, :)

Sam Lee

marchbold commented 9 years ago


There is currently no way to show a custom image on a push notification, it always uses the application icon. If you don't want to have Android automatically show a notification simply remove the contentTitle and tickerText values from the data you send. You'll still receive the NOTIFICATION event but a notification won't be displayed.
