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Facebook: renew session/auth-key #293

Closed shamruk closed 9 years ago

shamruk commented 9 years ago

Due to documentation facebook auth-key is valid only for 2 houses. In my app I use ANE's included features (like send a message to FB friend) and custom requests to FB API using auth-key taken from ANE after session is stared. What should I do in 2 hours? Do I need to call some method in ANE or should I wait for some event from ANE (like session stared)? I cannot find any detailed information on this in Distiqt docs, may I am missing something.

koriner commented 9 years ago

Where does the Facebook documentation say it's only valid for 2 hours? I don't think I've seen that.

You should just be able to listen for the same session open events to refresh the session etc.

shamruk commented 9 years ago

Here https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/access-tokens . But mobile apps get long-live token (60 days), so the problem is applicable only for web.