distriqt / airnativeextensions

DEPRECATED: Original repository of the distriqt native extensions and is no longer maintained. Please see our site for the latest ANEs
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Context loss problem with ANE requesting permissions on iOS #300

Closed harry248 closed 8 years ago

harry248 commented 9 years ago

There seems to be a general problem with ANE's that request user permissions like push, camera etc. Using direct render mode and Starling framework there is always a context loss when the corresponding system dialog opens up. This does not happen if you open a dialog manually using the Dialog ANE. I have already tried to stop Starling (suspending rendering) and/or setting framerate to 0 and/or executeInBackground to false. But the error always occurs. It is hard to debug because the permission request dialog show up only once per app with the same bundle identifier. Is there anything you can do about it?

minimedj commented 9 years ago

To notice: If there will be any change in context handling behaviour it should announced publicly (better via mail list with big red letters) because we kind of use to it and we handle context loss in out applications that are published. So, I don't want to discover one day that things do not work because there is a better way for context loss is introduced.