distriqt / airnativeextensions

DEPRECATED: Original repository of the distriqt native extensions and is no longer maintained. Please see our site for the latest ANEs
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Adding FacebookUtils SSO to project fails when building for android #305

Closed jacoblaier closed 9 years ago

jacoblaier commented 9 years ago

Finally got around to adding facebook login support to our app.

Now i'm facing a problem that FlashBuilder won't package for android anylonger. Getting errors stating 'Resource at button_exit appears in overlay but not in the base package; use to add. Same error is shown for bunch of other resources as well.

Doing a release build will produce another error, but probably related : '...android-res.jar' is not a directory.

Removing all references to the FacebookUtils ANE classes won't help. As soon as I ask it to package the ANE it will fail as above. Unticking 'Package' under the Native Extensions tab in the project properties will make the problem go away.

Obviously I need to have the ANE included, any ideas why this is happening ?


capture1 capture

jacoblaier commented 9 years ago

Never mind about this one. It's probably just FlashBuilder acting up again, and I'll work around it by just not using the FacebookUtils ANE.
