distriqt / airnativeextensions

DEPRECATED: Original repository of the distriqt native extensions and is no longer maintained. Please see our site for the latest ANEs
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Compass ANE calibrated magnetic field #317

Closed carins closed 9 years ago

carins commented 9 years ago


I am using the compass ANE (v 1.39) to access the magnetic sensor (not for navigation purposes) but the sensor is constantly recalibrating.

After reading some documents of Android reference, I realised that is also possible to get the raw uncalibrated data through the SensorEvent class (Sensor.TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD_UNCALIBRATED) besides the calibrated (Sensor.TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD).

Considering the behaviour of my app, I suppose that extension exposes only the calibrated data, correct? If so, is there any possibility of also including the uncalibrated data access in the MagneticFieldEvent of the ANE?

Thank you, Ana

marchbold commented 9 years ago

I just wanted to let you know that we've added support for the uncalibrated and calibrated data to the extension available on our new site.

