distriqt / airnativeextensions

DEPRECATED: Original repository of the distriqt native extensions and is no longer maintained. Please see our site for the latest ANEs
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Error when packaging for iOS with AIR SDK 16.0 beta #327

Closed LeeBurrows closed 9 years ago

LeeBurrows commented 9 years ago

When packaging an app (with ANT) using ANEs, ADT returns an error:

Error: META-INF/ANE/iPhone-ARM/libScanner.a, META-INF/ANE/iPhone-ARM/libImage.a, META-INF/ANE/iPhone-ARM/libNetworkInfo.a are required to have universal iOS libraries. Please contact the ANE developer(s) to get the same.

Scanner, Image and NetworkInfo are the 3 ANEs to be included. There are no other ANEs. No problems when using AIR 15 (or earlier).

marchbold commented 9 years ago


You need to move to our new extension site to get the updates for arm64.


Regards, Michael