distriqt / airnativeextensions

DEPRECATED: Original repository of the distriqt native extensions and is no longer maintained. Please see our site for the latest ANEs
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Push Notification in background mode #330

Closed sfcal99 closed 9 years ago

sfcal99 commented 9 years ago

I use AWS SNS to send out notification. When app is running, it gets the “Push Notification” and shows the messages. [trace] PN Supported: true [trace] PN Version: 2.6.Android.2.1 [trace] ACTIVATE [trace] PN registration succeeded with reg ID: [trace] APA91bFBmNI7byIFFZde4_L9WrzJk7WJJqpMh9fHHV6bCxqiHEpHr-IROOiUPX-SlgbdZ_6HfyISQgEhPY7AEfFget3RXjlniN9dCatp2OSROVm1vk38N9lGdbBAzUTTHBfbN39MQPDKSWZfsrmqRluMZsznjAQdC9oycVa-O4WpaXpuyml0BRw [trace] Remote notification received! [trace] {"collapse_key":"do_not_collapse","default":"test message","from":"391582702607"}

But while app is off, or terminated, there is no answer from Mobile, even though I send messages. Please let me know if there is something I missed.

here is my descriptor detail

``` ]]>
marchbold commented 9 years ago

That all looks correct, are you running in debug or release mode? In debug mode, be aware that the IDE may append .debug to the end of the application id and this will cause your categories to be incorrect.

sfcal99 commented 9 years ago

build based on release mode

marchbold commented 9 years ago

Could you please try the latest version of this ANE by moving to http://airnativeextensions.com. It could be related to some of the updates we've done since this repository was depreciated. Cheers

sfcal99 commented 9 years ago

what is latest version of pushnotification?

sfcal99 commented 9 years ago

I test on iOS, it work fine even I force close my app. On Android, the app have receive PushNotificationEvent but didn't show any notification when I minimize my app or force close the app... Do I need to use LocalNotification to show the push message on Android device?