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Unrecognized problem with InAppBilling #84

Closed minimedj closed 10 years ago

minimedj commented 10 years ago

Hi guys,

Q1: When I try to make a purchase on development build with real AppStore account I get purchase_failed event. Is it expected behavior?

Q2: Is it possible to make a real purchase with development build or with distribution build locally installed on device (not via AppStore, because it is not yet approved, but previous build is approved and I can try to buy approved IAP).

marchbold commented 10 years ago


These are the expected results. You need to follow the testing guides from the relevant stores. Under iOS you need to setup dedicated test accounts:


Additionally products can take a fair amount of time to become available once you've entered them. We've had reports of up to several days through the iOS app store.


minimedj commented 10 years ago

Thank you very much for your reply.