dita-ot / dita-ot

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DOTJ031I is triggered four times #4450

Open stefan-jung opened 2 months ago

stefan-jung commented 2 months ago

Expected Behavior

DOTJ031I should be triggered just once.

Actual Behavior

DOTJ031I is triggered four times for custom profiling attributes, if the publishing is falling back to the default rule (because the handling of the profiling attribute is not specified in the DITAVAL file. Right now, it is fired once for the specialized attribute (in this case documentType, a second time for the specialized profiling attribute props and both in the gen-list and in the filter stage.

[gen-list] [DOTJ031I][INFO] No specified rule for 'documentType=service-manual' was found in the ditaval file.
This value will use the default action, or a parent prop action if specified. To remove this message,
you can specify a rule for 'documentType=service-manual' in the ditaval file.
[gen-list] [DOTJ031I][INFO] No specified rule for 'props=service-manual' was found in the ditaval file.
This value will use the default action, or a parent prop action if specified. To remove this message,
you can specify a rule for 'props=service-manual' in the ditaval file.
[filter] [DOTJ031I][INFO] No specified rule for 'documentType=service-manual' was found in the ditaval file.
This value will use the default action, or a parent prop action if specified. To remove this message,
you can specify a rule for 'documentType=service-manual' in the ditaval file.
[filter] [DOTJ031I][INFO] No specified rule for 'props=service-manual' was found in the ditaval file.
This value will use the default action, or a parent prop action if specified. To remove this message,
you can specify a rule for 'props=service-manual' in the ditaval file.

Possible Solution

I don't know.

Steps to Reproduce


Copy of the error message, log file or stack trace

