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Create Components #17

Open Mari0nV opened 1 year ago

Mari0nV commented 1 year ago

GanttStart: 2022-09-01 GanttDue: 2022-10-31

Mari0nV commented 1 year ago


Components are the building blocks of Leto models. They represent a functionality of a product.

We need to define several components, so that we can provide the user a large range of components to choose from when he creates its model. These components will also be usable by the Product models and Architecture patterns we need to create (see https://github.com/ditrit/roadmap/issues/18 and https://github.com/ditrit/roadmap/issues/8).

Intended outcome

A large list of different components available in Leto modelization panel.

How will it work?

There are 3 types of components :

Capture d’écran 2022-07-04 à 11 57 38

GanttStart: 2022-10-01 GanttDue: 2022-11-30