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New Diva Instance - Cannot Start on Windows 10 #35

Open palomnik opened 8 years ago

palomnik commented 8 years ago

Installed and configured everything. Attempted to launch with OpenSim.exe and got the following error:

APPLICATION EXCEPTION DETECTED: System.UnhandledExceptionEventArgs

Exception: Nini.Ini.IniException: Expected closing quote (") - Line: 117, Position: 40. at Nini.Ini.IniDocument.LoadReader(IniReader reader) at Nini.Ini.IniDocument..ctor(TextReader reader) at OpenSim.ConfigurationLoader.ReadConfig(OpenSimConfigSource configSource, String iniPath) at OpenSim.ConfigurationLoader.LoadConfigSettings(IConfigSource argvSource, >EnvConfigSource envConfigSource, ConfigSettings& configSettings, NetworkServersInfo& networkInfo) at OpenSim.OpenSimBase.LoadConfigSettings(IConfigSource configSource) at OpenSim.Application.Main(String[] args)

Application is terminating: True

Unhandled Exception: Nini.Ini.IniException: Expected closing quote (") - Line: 117, Position: 40. at Nini.Ini.IniDocument.LoadReader(IniReader reader) at Nini.Ini.IniDocument..ctor(TextReader reader) at OpenSim.ConfigurationLoader.ReadConfig(OpenSimConfigSource configSource, String iniPath) at OpenSim.ConfigurationLoader.LoadConfigSettings(IConfigSource argvSource, >EnvConfigSource envConfigSource, ConfigSettings& configSettings, NetworkServersInfo& networkInfo) at OpenSim.OpenSimBase.LoadConfigSettings(IConfigSource configSource) at OpenSim.Application.Main(String[] args)

I did not see a Nini.Ini file anywhere. What to look for?

Outworldz commented 6 years ago

You are missing a double quote in Line: 117, Position: 40 of an INI file. Nini is the program that reads INI files. It strips all double quotes out, so you can just delete all double quotes as a fix.