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Wifi - Malformed email string? #5

Open fleep513 opened 13 years ago

fleep513 commented 13 years ago

Running wifi-0-7-0-2-b on Robust, everything appears to be working well except the email notifications, looks like a colon is being appended to the text string?

09:38:08 - [Wifi]: NewAccountPostRequest 09:38:08 - [Wifi]: Exception on sending mail to fleepgrid@gmail.com: The specifi ed string is not in the form required for an e-mail address. 09:38:08 - [Wifi]: Created account for user pending Testing1 Test

09:43:05 - [Wifi]: Avatar of account Female Avatar is null 09:43:05 - [Wifi]: Exception on sending mail to fleep.tuque@gmail.com: The speci fied string is not in the form required for an e-mail address.

Apologies if this is user error or if this is the wrong place to post! Still learning! :)

fleep513 commented 11 years ago

FYI, I still have this problem, I haven't seen other reports of it so I'm wondering if I messed something up in my configuration or in customizing the html files? Here's an example from today, running the 0.7.4 version of wifi:

11:45:57 - [Wifi]: UserManagementGetRequest 11:46:26 - [Wifi]: UserActivateGetRequest 5f870dd1-d0f9-4222-81e6-333acf24ee75 11:46:27 - [AUTHENTICATION DB]: Set password for principalID 5f870dd1-d0f9-4222- 81e6-333acf24ee75 11:46:27 - [Wifi]: Creating Neutral avatar (account Neutral Avatar) 11:46:28 - [Wifi]: Exception on sending mail to a_blahblah@hotmail.com: System.F ormatException: The specified string is not in the form required for an e-mail a ddress.