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OpenSim + addons. This is the content that gets distributed in the d2 project.
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opensim Wifi not working on Centos 5.5 x86_64 #14

Closed SimonAnnetts closed 10 years ago

SimonAnnetts commented 13 years ago

Hi, I installed Mono 2.10.1 from http://ftp.novell.com/pub/mono/download-stable/RHEL_5/repodata/ then i installed diva-r13981

using the out of the box configs (except for the changes made by running Configure.exe) I cannot seem to get wifi working. I get the message:

Ooops! The page you requested has been obsconded with by knomes. Find hippos quick! If you are trying to log-in, your link parameters should have: "-loginpage http:///?method=login -loginuri http:///" in your link

Also there is no mention of it in the logs. Any ideas? Is there a way to increase the debug/log messages so i migh get a hint as to what is wrong?

[opensim@vhost3 bin]$ mono OpenSim.exe
17:37:07 - [OPENSIM MAIN]: configured log4net using default OpenSim.exe.config
17:37:07 - [OPENSIM MAIN]: Runtime gave us 100 worker threads and 4 IOCP threads
17:37:07 - [OPENSIM MAIN]: Bumping up to 500 worker threads and 1000 IOCP threads
17:37:07 - Performing compatibility checks...
17:37:07 - Environment is compatible.
17:37:07 - [CONFIG]: Reading configuration settings
17:37:07 - [CONFIG]: Reading configuration file /home/opensim/diva-r13981/bin/OpenSim.ini
17:37:07 - [CONFIG]: Reading configuration file /home/opensim/diva-r13981/bin/config-include/DivaPreferences.ini
17:37:07 - [CONFIG]: Reading configuration file /home/opensim/diva-r13981/bin/config-include/MyWorld.ini
17:37:07 - [LOGGING]: Logging started to file /home/opensim/diva-r13981/bin/OpenSim.log
17:37:07 - [OPENSIM MAIN]: Using async_call_method SmartThreadPool
17:37:07 - [STARTUP]: Beginning startup processing
17:37:07 - [STARTUP]: OpenSimulator version: OpenSim Post_Fixes
17:37:07 - [STARTUP]: Operating system version: Unix
17:37:07 - ====================================================================
17:37:07 - ========================= STARTING OPENSIM =========================
17:37:07 - ====================================================================
17:37:07 - [OPENSIM MAIN]: Running
17:37:07 - [DATASTORE]: Attempting to load OpenSim.Data.MySQL.dll
17:37:07 - [REGION DB]: MySql - connecting: Data Source=localhost;Database=opensim;User ID=opensim;Password=***;
17:37:07 - [REGION DB]: Connection wait timeout 28860 seconds
17:37:07 - [MIGRATIONS]: EstateStore up to date, no migrations to apply
17:37:07 - [MIGRATIONS]: RegionStore up to date, no migrations to apply
17:37:07 - [DATASTORE]: Added IRegionDataStore Interface
17:37:07 - [CLIENTSTACK]: Attempting to load OpenSim.Region.ClientStack.LindenUDP.dll
17:37:07 - [CLIENTSTACK]: Added IClientNetworkServer Interface
17:37:07 - [REGION SERVER]: Starting HTTP server on port 9000
Console log level is ALL
17:37:07 - [PLUGINS]: Initializing addin manager
17:37:07 - [PLUGINS]: Loading extension point /OpenSim/Startup
17:37:07 - [!]:STARTUP COMPLETE
Currently selected region is root
17:37:07 - [STARTUP]: Startup took 0m 0s
Region (root) #

here's my [obsvicated] MyWorld.ini file, other ini's are as distributed/created by Configure.exe:

    ; ### Set the password
    storage_connection_string="Data Source=localhost;Database=opensim;User ID=opensim;Password=*****;"

    ; SmartThreadPool is reported to work well on Mono/Linux, but
    ; UnsafeQueueUserWorkItem has been benchmarked with better
    ; performance on .NET/Windows
    async_call_method = SmartThreadPool
    ; recommended: false for mono / true for Windows
    use_async_when_possible = false

    ; ### Set the password (again)
    ConnectionString = "Data Source=localhost;Database=opensim;User ID=opensim;Password=*****;"

    http_listener_port = 9000

    Region_OldClumbuktor_1 = "DefaultRegion, FallbackRegion"

    gridname = "OldClumbuktor"

    WelcomeMessage = "Welcome to OldClumbuktor!"

    HomeURI = "http://opensim1.ateb.co.uk:9000"
    GatekeeperURI = "http://opensim1.ateb.co.uk:9000"
    InventoryServerURI = "http://opensim1.ateb.co.uk:9000"
    AssetServerURI = "http://opensim1.ateb.co.uk:9000"

    ExternalName = "http://opensim1.ateb.co.uk:9000"

    login = http://opensim1.ateb.co.uk:9000/
    gridname = "OldClumbuktor"
    gridnick = "oldclumbuktor"
    welcome = http://opensim1.ateb.co.uk:9000/wifi/welcome.html
    register = http://opensim1.ateb.co.uk:9000/wifi/user/account
    password = http://opensim1.ateb.co.uk:9000/wifi/forgotpassword

    GridName = "OldClumbuktor"
    LoginURL = "http://opensim1.ateb.co.uk:9000"
    WebAddress = "http://opensim1.ateb.co.uk:9000"

    ;; The Wifi Administrator account
    AdminFirst = "Wifi"
    AdminLast = "Administrator"
    AdminEmail = "****@ateb.co.uk"
    AdminPassword = "***"

    ;; Do you want to be able to control grid registrations?
    AccountConfirmationRequired = true

    ;; Variables for your mail server
    ;; Users will get email notifications from this account.
    SmtpHost = "localhost"
    SmtpPort = "25"
    SmtpUsername = "Wifi"
    SmtpPassword = "***"

kind regards Simon