Hi, I've been really impressed by all of your work so far! It has been working great for me except for this one error.
When I try to create a custom augmentation for my images and masks, I keep receiving an error saying AttributeError: 'Compose' object has no attribute 'to_deterministic'.
I'm not sure what the issue is. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Hi, I've been really impressed by all of your work so far! It has been working great for me except for this one error. When I try to create a custom augmentation for my images and masks, I keep receiving an error saying AttributeError: 'Compose' object has no attribute 'to_deterministic'. I'm not sure what the issue is. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
from imgaug import augmenters as iaa
def custom_augmentation(): return iaa.Sequential( [
apply the following augmenters to most images
model.train( train_images = images_train_full_dir, train_annotations = annotations_train_full_dir, val_images = images_prepped_val_dir, val_annotations = annotations_prepped_val_dir, validate = True, checkpoints_path = "/tmp/vgg_unet_1" , steps_per_epoch = 25, batch_size = 8, preprocessing = normalization, epochs=5, callbacks = callbacks, do_augment=True, # enable augmentation custom_augmentation=custom_augmentation )