divan / gofresh

Keep your Go package dependencies fresh. Console tool for checking and updating package dependencies (imports).
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Support $GOPATH with multiple directories #13

Open tinhtruong opened 8 years ago

tinhtruong commented 8 years ago

I use gb to manage dependencies and I setup my $GOPATH to include multiple directories. When I run gofresh, it seems that gofresh only check the first directory in the GOPATH for a package. It would be great if gofresh support this use case. Thanks.

dmitshur commented 8 years ago

Relevant definition of GOPATH from https://golang.org/cmd/go/#hdr-GOPATH_environment_variable:

The GOPATH environment variable lists places to look for Go code. On Unix, the value is a colon-separated string. On Windows, the value is a semicolon-separated string. On Plan 9, the value is a list.