Hey I know this is a sample project but I can't help myself. I found out that this web application has a IDOR vulnerability.
IDOR refers to indirect object reference, inshort any user can manipulate data of other users by just changing the id of the task.
For example: if you go on to create 2 users and each have 1 task, the second user can delete the task of the first user just by referencing the task id in the delete request. I think the restrictions should be in place for this to avoid it.
I am attaching a poc which shows how to delete another user's list item
Hey I know this is a sample project but I can't help myself. I found out that this web application has a IDOR vulnerability. IDOR refers to indirect object reference, inshort any user can manipulate data of other users by just changing the id of the task. For example: if you go on to create 2 users and each have 1 task, the second user can delete the task of the first user just by referencing the task id in the delete request. I think the restrictions should be in place for this to avoid it.
I am attaching a poc which shows how to delete another user's list item