divaprotocol / diva-monorepo

Diva Monorepo
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Tellor reporting page #730

Open Walodja1987 opened 1 year ago

Walodja1987 commented 1 year ago


The goal of this PR is to implement a reporting Dashboard inside the DIVA App for pools that use the Tellor oracle as data provider. Mock-ups are attached in the comments.

Below an illustration of the DIVA Tellor reporting flow: Tellor-v2 drawio


Proposed implementation steps:

  1. Implement table in Report tab first
  2. Implement My Rewards tab
  3. Implement the header part

Report tab specs

In table, show pools where

Pools can be in 4 different states. Those are reflected in the mock designs (each line represents one possible state):


All the relevant functionality has been implemented in the tests scripts of the DIVA Tellor oracle adapter contract and can be used as a reference:

Tellor subgraph:

Contract addresses

There are two smart contracts that are relevant:


DIVA Tellor oracle adapter

My Rewards tab specs


Header specs


Ayaz1997 commented 1 year ago

Mockup Design Link to Prototype: https://www.figma.com/proto/mcyci32XlFZJ8K1JZa25Ts/Diva-App?node-id=8133%3A49017&scaling=scale-down-width&page-id=5268%3A32007&starting-point-node-id=8133%3A49017

Link to design mockup: https://www.figma.com/file/mcyci32XlFZJ8K1JZa25Ts/Diva-App?node-id=8133%3A49017&t=gLMADVqnrjEFfk4F-4

Report Page image

My Rewards Page image

State: Wallet not connected image

State: Wallet connected with Zero $TRB balance image