divaprotocol / diva-monorepo

Diva Monorepo
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My Stakes - DIVA Governance Dashbaord #766

Open Ayaz1997 opened 1 year ago

Ayaz1997 commented 1 year ago


This issue focuses on the My Stakes page for the DIVA Governance dashboard and its features. The Overview and My Stakes tab can be switched and when a wallet is connected user can see details of their staking towards a candidate. They can also add more tokens for stake on an existing candidate or unstake their tokens after a certain period of time.

Following is the list of features:

Design Mockup

Design - https://www.figma.com/file/CqOXnCH2EMUKRfVxfnUccz/DIVA-Governance-Dashboard?node-id=86%3A739&t=fudsuPmBYLQ1xGec-4

Prototype - https://www.figma.com/proto/CqOXnCH2EMUKRfVxfnUccz/DIVA-Governance-Dashboard?node-id=86%3A739&scaling=min-zoom&page-id=0%3A1&starting-point-node-id=128%3A419

Wallet not connected image

Wallet connected image

Stake $DIVA image

Unstake $DIVA image

More info (view candidate's profile) image

Acceptance Criteria