divaprotocol / diva-monorepo

Diva Monorepo
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Election Cycle - DIVA Governance Dashboard #771

Open Ayaz1997 opened 1 year ago

Ayaz1997 commented 1 year ago


This issue focuses on feature documentation for the Election Cycle process on DIVA Governance Dashboard. The election cycle is a process through which DIVA token holders can choose a new protocol owner to take over the responsibilities of future protocol development.

An election cycle can be triggered if any wallet has more DIVA tokens staked than the current protocol owner. Under this condition, the candidate can trigger the election cycle from the dashboard.

The election cycle is divided into two parts

  1. Showdown period - which will last 30 days since the election cycle triggers. During this period people can still continue to stake/unstake DIVA tokens for any candidate.
  2. Claim submission period - this will last for 7 days after the showdown period has ended, and during this period people cannot unstake their DIVA tokens from a candidate until the chosen candidate has claimed its ownership.

UI Design Specs

Acceptance Criteria

Design Mockup

Link to design - https://www.figma.com/file/CqOXnCH2EMUKRfVxfnUccz/DIVA-Governance-Dashboard?node-id=143%3A3139&t=YHfIfNuIXO53R9EB-4

Dashbaord with Trigger election button image

Dashbaord - Election triggered image

Dashbaord - Claim ownership image