divegeek / uscode

The United States Code
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why isn't this real already #16

Open gisforgirard opened 3 years ago

gisforgirard commented 3 years ago

how can we make this actually how things run instead of just talking about it?

cooljeanius commented 3 years ago

how can we make this actually how things run instead of just talking about it?

Run for Congress with this as part of your platform

giltolley commented 3 years ago

Seems like the parts are here to make it happen. Has anyone compiled and run the code successfully? I know I tried a while ago, couldn't get it to work, reached out for help and never heard anything. The idea still interests me, so if you've managed to pull down the US Code and read it with the code, let me know. I'd love to see the PR.

mbrandow commented 3 years ago

If anyone is interested in resurrecting this or is actively working on it, let's set up a group and get to work!

cooljeanius commented 3 years ago

If anyone is interested in resurrecting this or is actively working on it, let's set up a group and get to work!

I'm interested in trying to get something similar running at the state level in New Hampshire. I recently won a seat in our state legislature, so if anyone would like to help draft legislation to get New Hampshire to work this way, let me know.

timschwab commented 2 years ago

Hey @cooljeanius, I just looked you up and was shocked to find that you were actually telling the truth. That is wild.

I'm a software developer currently at Palantir (though am currently not speaking as a Palantir employee of course), and have had sympathies for this sort of project for a while. Curious if you have any concrete sorts of ideas on how this would actually be accomplished.

Lastly, if you are not familiar with it, I would highly recommend investigating the Open Law Library. I discovered them through this article. Sounds like they may be the place for you to look for the possibility of actual change. It does look now that there hasn't been much activity since 2018, but still, it is by far the most impressive thing I've seen done in the real world around this.

cooljeanius commented 9 months ago

Hey @cooljeanius, I just looked you up and was shocked to find that you were actually telling the truth. That is wild.

I'm a software developer currently at Palantir (though am currently not speaking as a Palantir employee of course), and have had sympathies for this sort of project for a while. Curious if you have any concrete sorts of ideas on how this would actually be accomplished.

Well, I've got some ideas for legislation that would help move my state's legislature in that direction; I keep my legislation ideas in this repo: https://github.com/cooljeanius/legislation (look in the "tech" directory for the ones that are relevant here). Pull requests are welcome! Also, I recently found this repo from the NY Senate that looks interesting: https://github.com/nysenate/OpenLegislation

Lastly, if you are not familiar with it, I would highly recommend investigating the Open Law Library. I discovered them through this article. Sounds like they may be the place for you to look for the possibility of actual change. It does look now that there hasn't been much activity since 2018, but still, it is by far the most impressive thing I've seen done in the real world around this.

Thanks, bookmarking.