divelab / DIG

A library for graph deep learning research
GNU General Public License v3.0
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AttributeError: 'GATConv' object has no attribute 'weight' #142

Closed MishanyaGeniyInformatiki closed 1 year ago

MishanyaGeniyInformatiki commented 2 years ago

Hi there! I use DIG. I'm trying to run a code gnn_lrp.py

import math
import torch
from torch import Tensor
import torch.nn as nn
import copy
from torch_geometric.utils.loop import add_remaining_self_loops
from ..models.utils import subgraph
from ..models.models import GraphSequential
from .base_explainer import WalkBase

EPS = 1e-15

class GNN_LRP(WalkBase):
    An implementation of GNN-LRP in
    `Higher-Order Explanations of Graph Neural Networks via Relevant Walks <https://arxiv.org/abs/2006.03589>`_.
        model (torch.nn.Module): The target model prepared to explain.
        explain_graph (bool, optional): Whether to explain graph classification model.
            (default: :obj:`False`)
    .. note::
            For node classification model, the :attr:`explain_graph` flag is False.
            GNN-LRP is very model dependent. Please be sure you know how to modify it for different models.
            For an example, see `benchmarks/xgraph

    def __init__(self, model: nn.Module, explain_graph=False):
        super().__init__(model=model, explain_graph=explain_graph)

    def forward(self,
                x: Tensor,
                edge_index: Tensor,
        Run the explainer for a specific graph instance.
            x (torch.Tensor): The graph instance's input node features.
            edge_index (torch.Tensor): The graph instance's edge index.
            **kwargs (dict):
                :obj:`node_idx` (int): The index of node that is pending to be explained.
                (for node classification)
                :obj:`sparsity` (float): The Sparsity we need to control to transform a
                soft mask to a hard mask. (Default: :obj:`0.7`)
                :obj:`num_classes` (int): The number of task's classes.
            (walks, edge_masks, related_predictions),
            walks is a dictionary including walks' edge indices and corresponding explained scores;
            edge_masks is a list of edge-level explanation for each class;
            related_predictions is a list of dictionary for each class
            where each dictionary includes 4 type predicted probabilities.
        super().forward(x, edge_index, **kwargs)
        labels = tuple(i for i in range(kwargs.get('num_classes')))

        walk_steps, fc_steps = self.extract_step(x, edge_index, detach=False, split_fc=True)

        edge_index_with_loop, _ = add_remaining_self_loops(edge_index, num_nodes=self.num_nodes)

        walk_indices_list = torch.tensor(
            self.walks_pick(edge_index_with_loop.cpu(), list(range(edge_index_with_loop.shape[1])),
                            num_layers=self.num_layers), device=self.device)
        if not self.explain_graph:
            node_idx = kwargs.get('node_idx')
            node_idx = node_idx.reshape([1]).to(self.device)
            assert node_idx is not None
            self.subset, _, _, self.hard_edge_mask = subgraph(
                node_idx, self.__num_hops__, edge_index_with_loop, relabel_nodes=True,
                num_nodes=None, flow=self.__flow__())
            self.new_node_idx = torch.where(self.subset == node_idx)[0]

            # walk indices list mask
            edge2node_idx = edge_index_with_loop[1] == node_idx
            walk_indices_list_mask = edge2node_idx[walk_indices_list[:, -1]]
            walk_indices_list = walk_indices_list[walk_indices_list_mask]

        if kwargs.get('walks'):
            walks = kwargs.pop('walks')

            def compute_walk_score():

                # hyper-parameter gamma
                epsilon = 1e-30   # prevent from zero division
                gamma = [2, 1, 1]

                # --- record original weights of GNN ---
                ori_gnn_weights = []
                gnn_gamma_modules = []
                clear_probe = x
                for i, walk_step in enumerate(walk_steps):
                    modules = walk_step['module']
                    gamma_ = gamma[i] if i <= 1 else 1
                    if hasattr(modules[0], 'nn'):
                        clear_probe = modules[0](clear_probe, edge_index, probe=False)
                        # clear nodes that are not created by user
                    gamma_module = copy.deepcopy(modules[0])
                    if hasattr(modules[0], 'nn'):
                        for j, fc_step in enumerate(gamma_module.fc_steps):
                            fc_modules = fc_step['module']
                            if hasattr(fc_modules[0], 'weight'):
                                ori_fc_weight = fc_modules[0].weight.data
                                fc_modules[0].weight.data = ori_fc_weight + gamma_ * ori_fc_weight
                        gamma_module.weight.data = ori_gnn_weights[i] + gamma_ * ori_gnn_weights[i].relu()

                # --- record original weights of fc layer ---
                ori_fc_weights = []
                fc_gamma_modules = []
                for i, fc_step in enumerate(fc_steps):
                    modules = fc_step['module']
                    gamma_module = copy.deepcopy(modules[0])
                    if hasattr(modules[0], 'weight'):
                        gamma_ = 1
                        gamma_module.weight.data = ori_fc_weights[i] + gamma_ * ori_fc_weights[i].relu()

                # --- GNN_LRP implementation ---
                for walk_indices in walk_indices_list:
                    walk_node_indices = [edge_index_with_loop[0, walk_indices[0]]]
                    for walk_idx in walk_indices:
                        walk_node_indices.append(edge_index_with_loop[1, walk_idx])

                    h = x.requires_grad_(True)
                    for i, walk_step in enumerate(walk_steps):
                        modules = walk_step['module']
                        if hasattr(modules[0], 'nn'):
                            # for the specific 2-layer nn GINs.
                            gin = modules[0]
                            run1 = gin(h, edge_index, probe=True)
                            std_h1 = gin.fc_steps[0]['output']
                            gamma_run1 = gnn_gamma_modules[i](h, edge_index, probe=True)
                            p1 = gnn_gamma_modules[i].fc_steps[0]['output']
                            q1 = (p1 + epsilon) * (std_h1 / (p1 + epsilon)).detach()

                            std_h2 = GraphSequential(*gin.fc_steps[1]['module'])(q1)
                            p2 = GraphSequential(*gnn_gamma_modules[i].fc_steps[1]['module'])(q1)
                            q2 = (p2 + epsilon) * (std_h2 / (p2 + epsilon)).detach()
                            q = q2

                            std_h = GraphSequential(*modules)(h, edge_index)

                            # --- LRP-gamma ---
                            p = gnn_gamma_modules[i](h, edge_index)
                            q = (p + epsilon) * (std_h / (p + epsilon)).detach()

                        # --- pick a path ---
                        mk = torch.zeros((h.shape[0], 1), device=self.device)
                        k = walk_node_indices[i + 1]
                        mk[k] = 1
                        ht = q * mk + q.detach() * (1 - mk)
                        h = ht

                    # --- FC LRP_gamma ---
                    # debug that torch.zeros(h.shape[0], dtype=torch.long, device=self.device)
                    # should be an edge_index with [num_edge, 2]
                    for i, fc_step in enumerate(fc_steps):
                        modules = fc_step['module']
                        std_h = nn.Sequential(*modules)(h) if i != 0 \
                            else GraphSequential(*modules)(h, torch.zeros(h.shape[0], dtype=torch.long, device=self.device))

                        # --- gamma ---
                        s = fc_gamma_modules[i](h) if i != 0 \
                            else fc_gamma_modules[i](h, torch.zeros(h.shape[0], dtype=torch.long, device=self.device))
                        ht = (s + epsilon) * (std_h / (s + epsilon)).detach()
                        h = ht

                    if not self.explain_graph:
                        f = h[node_idx, label]
                        f = h[0, label]
                    x_grads = torch.autograd.grad(outputs=f, inputs=x)[0]
                    I = walk_node_indices[0]
                    r = x_grads[I, :] @ x[I].T

            walk_scores_tensor_list = [None for i in labels]
            for label in labels:

                walk_scores = []

                walk_scores_tensor_list[label] = torch.stack(walk_scores, dim=0).view(-1, 1)

            walks = {'ids': walk_indices_list, 'score': torch.cat(walk_scores_tensor_list, dim=1)}

        # --- Apply edge mask evaluation ---
        with torch.no_grad():
            with self.connect_mask(self):
                ex_labels = tuple(torch.tensor([label]).to(self.device) for label in labels)
                edge_masks = []
                hard_edge_masks = []
                for ex_label in ex_labels:
                    edge_attr = self.explain_edges_with_loop(x, walks, ex_label)
                    edge_mask = edge_attr.detach()
                    valid_mask = (edge_mask != -math.inf)
                    edge_mask[edge_mask == - math.inf] = edge_mask[valid_mask].min() - 1  # replace the negative inf

                    hard_edge_masks.append(self.control_sparsity(edge_attr, kwargs.get('sparsity')).sigmoid())

                related_preds = self.eval_related_pred(x, edge_index, hard_edge_masks, **kwargs)

        return walks, edge_masks, related_preds

Versions of installed packages: python 3.9.12 pytorch 1.11.0 torch-geometric 2.0.4 dive-into-graphs 0.2.0

But I get an error Снимок экрана от 2022-08-18 19-23-02_cut-photo ru Perhaps the problem is that the implementation of gnn_lrp is outdated and requires non-existent GATConv attributes from pytorch geometric 2.0.4?

CM-BF commented 1 year ago

Sorry for the late reply. The compatible version of DIG for torch-geometric 2.0.4 is dive-into-graphs 1.0.0. Please refer to dig-stable branch.

Please let me know if any questions.

MishanyaGeniyInformatiki commented 1 year ago

OK, I installed dive-into-graphs 1.0.0, but the problem remains the same

Versions of installed packages: python 3.9.12 pytorch 1.11.0 torch-geometric 2.0.4 dive-into-graphs 1.0.0

CM-BF commented 1 year ago

Ok, I'll check this problem for GAT. Have you tried GCN or GIN?

MishanyaGeniyInformatiki commented 1 year ago

Yes, I tried with GCN. Same problem. Perhaps the problem is that the gnn_lrp code is outdated, and the 'weight' attribute is no longer used in new versions of GATConv/GCNConv torch_geometric

CM-BF commented 1 year ago

Yes, I tried with GCN. Same problem. Perhaps the problem is that the gnn_lrp code is outdated, and the 'weight' attribute is no longer used in new versions of GATConv/GCNConv torch_geometric

Have you tried this example? PyG didn't do a good job on compatibility, so we used some patches to fix the problem. Indeed, the 'weight' attribute is no longer used in PyG, but we can add a 'weight' attribute pointing to the same address to make the code compatible with different versions of PyG.

MishanyaGeniyInformatiki commented 1 year ago

No, I haven't tried this example, but I'm sure it will work. However, I could not train GCN_3l. Therefore, it is more convenient for me to use convolutional layers GCNConv, GATConv from the torch-geometric package. I note that I was able to create my own graph model using GCNConv, GATConv layers from the torch-geometric package and apply dig gnnexplainer to interpret the work. What can't be said about gnn_lrp

CM-BF commented 1 year ago

GNN LRP is a model-specific explainer due to its special back propagate nature; thus, I would recommend you using other explainers. If using GNN LRP is necessary, please refer to this GCNConv. Wrapping the original GCNConv with self.weight = self.lin.weight.data.T is a possible solution.