diverent2 / flagfinder

A webapp to learn about queer identity symbols ๐ŸŒˆ
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Change the Bigender Flag #84

Open Noammac opened 3 years ago

Noammac commented 3 years ago

๐Ÿ“š Content request

๐Ÿ–Š๏ธ I would like the following content to be

There is evidence that suggests the current bigender flag may be uncomfortable to some people, either due its creator being unsavory, or due to exorsexist implications in its design. As such, an alternative has been proposed.


๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ Flag

I didn't know if I needed to correct the colours to their closest color.pizza name or just keep as is, as such two versions are present.

The Flag JSON Proposals ### Corrected Colours ```json props: { colors: [ { id: "aurora-pink", name: "aurora pink", hue: "lightpink", meaning: "Female identity", value: "#e881a6" }, { id: "yellow-cattleya", name: "yellow cattleya", hue: "yellow", meaning: "Non-binary identity", value: "#fff44f" }, { id: "white", name: "white", hue: "white", meaning: "Agender identity", value: "#ffffff" }, { id: "soft-purple", name: "soft purple", hue: "purple", meaning: "Combined male and female identity", value: "#a66fb5" }, { id: "little-boy-blue", name: "little boy blue", hue: "lightblue", meaning: "Male identity", value: "#6ca0dc" } ], symbols: [], }, matches: { colors: ['lightpink', 'yellow', 'white', 'purple', 'lightblue'], symbols: [], }, ``` ![bigender-flag](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/19552683/126836428-4ee46f38-bd17-49a3-8bc9-a5c32c1e0e07.png) ### Original Colours ```json props: { colors: [ { id: "aurora-pink", name: "aurora pink", hue: "lightpink", meaning: "Female identity", value: "#ed78aa" }, { id: "yellow-cattleya", name: "yellow cattleya", hue: "yellow", meaning: "Non-binary identity", value: "#fdf44d" }, { id: "white", name: "white", hue: "white", meaning: "Agender identity", value: "#ffffff" }, { id: "soft-purple", name: "soft purple", hue: "purple", meaning: "Combined male and female identity", value: "#ae6dbe" }, { id: "little-boy-blue", name: "little boy blue", hue: "lightblue", meaning: "Male identity", value: "#719ee3" } ], symbols: [], }, matches: { colors: ['lightpink', 'yellow', 'white', 'purple', 'lightblue'], symbols: [], }, ``` ![bigender-flag](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/19552683/126836653-935292ec-79c7-4d22-a321-388f57ef9aed.png)

I didn't write the history in this issue for the sake of brevity.

Colours list generated with the following line:

https -b GET api.color.pizza/v1/ values==ED78AA,FDF44D,FFFFFF,AE6DBE,719EE3 | jq '[.colors[] | (.name | ascii_downcase) as $name | {id: $name | gsub(" "; "-"), $name, hue: "placeholder", meaning: "placeholder", value: .hex}]'