we have started a melange project based on 3 ecore files
CD, montiarc (which uses CD) and montiarcruntime
the melange file is simple
package ur1.diverse.montiarc.xdsml
language XMontiArc {
syntax "platform:/resource/ur1.diverse.montiarc.model/ur1.diverse.montiarc.model/montiarc.ecore"
syntax "platform:/resource/"
syntax "platform:/resource/ur1.diverse.montiarc.runtime.model/model/montiarcruntime.ecore"
with ur1.diverse.montiarc.xdsml.montiarc.aspects.ComponentTypeAspect
with ur1.diverse.montiarc.xdsml.montiarc.aspects.PortAspect
with ur1.diverse.montiarc.xdsml.montiarc.aspects.ConnectorAspect
with ur1.diverse.montiarc.xdsml.montiarc.aspects.SubcomponentDeclarationAspect
when using the generate all or generate runtime model we have sometime some classes that aren't generated in the good package. this seems to be random, beause modifing a line in the melange file and then generate again may generate the file at the rigth place
the and seems to be generated in one of the known packacge but necesarily in the correct one (in the attached picture, cd contains the factory for montiarcruntime and vice versa, , but the mix can be different on other generation)
in we have started a melange project based on 3 ecore files CD, montiarc (which uses CD) and montiarcruntime the melange file is simple
when using the generate all or generate runtime model we have sometime some classes that aren't generated in the good package. this seems to be random, beause modifing a line in the melange file and then generate again may generate the file at the rigth place
typically the and seems to be generated in one of the known packacge but necesarily in the correct one (in the attached picture, cd contains the factory for montiarcruntime and vice versa, , but the mix can be different on other generation)