tsconfig-path's seems to be overriding the option if a TS_NODE_PROJECT file is set. Environment variables should only be use if there is no option specifying them.
Workflow I have is this.
I have webpack.config.ts that needs to be compiled for ts-node so I have a specific file for typescript to compile for running as node, set with TS_NODE_PROJECT. But I then I have a tsconfig.json file that is for webpack for compiling a web application (non-node)
The problem I've traced to is that even those configFile is set, tsconfig-paths is overriding it with a environment variable. Options passed in should always take precedence.
tsconfig-path's seems to be overriding the option if a TS_NODE_PROJECT file is set. Environment variables should only be use if there is no option specifying them.
Workflow I have is this.
I have webpack.config.ts that needs to be compiled for ts-node so I have a specific file for typescript to compile for running as node, set with TS_NODE_PROJECT. But I then I have a tsconfig.json file that is for webpack for compiling a web application (non-node) The problem I've traced to is that even those configFile is set, tsconfig-paths is overriding it with a environment variable. Options passed in should always take precedence.
This is due to these sections of code
In my setup, I have an absolute path to a tsconfig.json file
/myprojects/mainproject/tsconfig.build.json is the cwd but TS_NODE_PROJECT is blowing that away.
More detail, tsconfig-paths-webpack-plugin calls loadConfig('/mypath/tsconfig.json') // loadFrom = /mypath/tsconfig.json
but its loading '/mytsnode/tsconfig.json'