dividuum / info-beamer

The Multimedia Presenter for Lua (for commercial projects, use info-beamer pi instead)
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playing RTSP stream -- with buffer possible? #39

Open ozett opened 8 years ago

ozett commented 8 years ago

thanks for helping me starting... still love info-beamer, now getting videos from my rtsp-cams to work in overlay as child-nodes.. if i do this with more than one videostream, i am starting to get missing packets..

i did this before with omxplayer, it was possible to give a cache-option (" --video_queue 10") and i was able to get 8 windows/streams together with only some small lack/missing packets..

omxplayer --layer -2 --adev local -n 1 --win '15 50 367 248' --crop '200 10 600 500' --stats --vol 0 --video_queue 10 --timeout 30 rtsp://

is there also a buffer option for info-beamer and video.resource as RTSP? may you consider building one? :smile:

i start this way:


or i am going architectural totally wrong (as i am still a noob..) :smile:


dividuum commented 8 years ago

I think the idea is fine, but live streaming isn't a supported feature of info-beamer right now as I have pretty much no experience with that, so I don't feel confident to support it. So there won't be any related improvements in the near future.

ozett commented 8 years ago

may you want to got this rtsp-way, very cooool with info-beamer... (i cycle with the room-demo through nodes ... :thumbsup: i cannot take screenshots with fbgrab of running info-beamer, so i photographed my 7inch display it as an appetizer. maybe..) :yum:


mattenausohz commented 7 years ago

Could anyone please send me the node.lua with a working rtsp usage? I cannot get it to work..

dividuum commented 7 years ago

Set the environment variable INFOBEAMER_OUTSIDE_SOURCES=1 and pray :-)

ozett commented 7 years ago

one of my node.lua looks like:

-- gl.setup(1920, 1080)
gl.setup(800, 480)

local video
    -- video:dispose()
    --video = util.videoplayer("rtsp://")
    video = util.videoplayer("rtsp://")

function node.render()


    --video = resource.load_video("rtsp://")
    --video:draw( 0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT, 0.9)
    video:draw( 0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT, 1)
mattenausohz commented 7 years ago

Thanks! Unfortunately I am getting many "RTS: missing packets" which leads to lots of artifacts in the stream... any idea how to improve this?

dividuum commented 7 years ago

You might try the undocumented INFOBEAMER_AV_DEBUG=1 setting with the 0.9.8 release. It will probably flood the output with debug messages, but maybe there's something useful in there?

mattenausohz commented 7 years ago

This is now the debug using even a different camera (AXIS M1114). Any ideas?

[fileref.c] Streaming remote content isn't officially supported at the moment. [fileref.c] All problems resulting from using this feature are your own. [main.c] initialization completed [rtsp @ 0x6bd00480] SDP: v=0 o=- 1505466630621001 1505466630621001 IN IP4 s=Media Presentation e=NONE b=AS:50000 t=0 0 a=control:rtsp:// a=range:npt=0.000000- m=video 0 RTP/AVP 96 c=IN IP4 b=AS:50000 a=framerate:30.0 a=transform:1,0,0;0,1,0;0,0,1 a=control:rtsp:// a=rtpmap:96 H264/90000 a=fmtp:96 packetization-mode=1; profile-level-id=420029; sprop-parameter-sets=Z0IAKeKQCgC3YC3AQEBpB4kRUA==,aM48gA==

[rtsp @ 0x6bd00480] video codec set to: h264 [rtsp @ 0x6bd00480] RTP Packetization Mode: 1 [rtsp @ 0x6bd00480] RTP Profile IDC: 42 Profile IOP: 0 Level: 29 [rtsp @ 0x6bd00480] Extradata set to 0x6bd030e0 (size: 31)! [rtsp @ 0x6bd00480] hello state=0 [h264 @ 0x6bd02bc0] RTP: missed 14 packets [h264 @ 0x6bd02bc0] mb_type 26 in I slice too large at 17 24 [h264 @ 0x6bd02bc0] error while decoding MB 17 24 [h264 @ 0x6bd02bc0] concealing 1712 DC, 1712 AC, 1712 MV errors [h264 @ 0x6bd02bc0] RTP: missed 69 packets [h264 @ 0x6bd02bc0] corrupted macroblock 2 13 (total_coeff=-1) [h264 @ 0x6bd02bc0] error while decoding MB 2 13 [h264 @ 0x6bd02bc0] concealing 2607 DC, 2607 AC, 2607 MV errors [h264 @ 0x6bd02bc0] Frame num gap 6 4 [h264 @ 0x6bd02bc0] RTP: missed 35 packets [h264 @ 0x6bd02bc0] corrupted macroblock 62 11 (total_coeff=-1) [h264 @ 0x6bd02bc0] error while decoding MB 62 11 [h264 @ 0x6bd02bc0] concealing 2707 DC, 2707 AC, 2707 MV errors [h264 @ 0x6bd02bc0] RTP: missed 1 packets [h264 @ 0x6bd02bc0] RTP: missed 204 packets [h264 @ 0x6bd02bc0] RTP: missed 7 packets [h264 @ 0x6bd02bc0] RTP: missed 205 packets [rtsp @ 0x6bd00480] All info found [rtsp @ 0x6bd00480] Estimating duration from bitrate, this may be inaccurate [glvideo.c] [0x20e2fe8/rtsp://xxx:xxx=7@] no audio stream found [glvideo.c] [0x20e2fe8/rtsp://xxx:xxx=7@] video is 1280x720@0.000000 [NULL @ 0x6bd02bc0] RTP: missed 47 packets [NULL @ 0x6bd02bc0] RTP: missed 38 packets [NULL @ 0x6bd02bc0] RTP: missed 44 packets [NULL @ 0x6bd02bc0] RTP: missed 15 packets [NULL @ 0x6bd02bc0] RTP: missed 37 packets [NULL @ 0x6bd02bc0] RTP: missed 37 packets

uptime 10s, cpu 1s+0s, rss 15100kb, 1 objs, 55'C mem fps width height cpu flags name (alias)

147kb 46.8 1920 1080 1.0% R-s- '- cue (-) 115kb 0.0 0 0 0.0% --s- '- ola (-)

[NULL @ 0x6bd02bc0] RTP: missed 55 packets [NULL @ 0x6bd02bc0] RTP: missed 2 packets [NULL @ 0x6bd02bc0] RTP: missed 37 packets

ozett commented 6 years ago

do you run infobeamer on a raspberry (2/3) ? do you run it all on wifi? (i am on a cable-lan..) may you try the stream in omxplayer?

what was the first cam? same errors?

does the missing packets show up in the image on the screen?

mattenausohz commented 6 years ago

Raspberry 3 All on cables Will try on omxplayer Same error on first cam (cheap one, thats why I tried the Axis) The missing packets lead to an only half filled screen where the second half is filled with the last correct line repeated until the end.

ozett commented 6 years ago

just one guess: i have a small screen setup, maybe you try to test a small image rtsp-stream, like 100x100 ? than check to increase image size and check debug for missing packets ?

what about the rasperry gpu-settings in raspi-config? i increased this a lot ...

only guessing...maybe worth checking ..

mattenausohz commented 6 years ago

If you read the first text here for this topic: it is exactly my problem. In omxplayer is seems to be possible to give a cache-option which helps. There is none of this for info-beamer obviously.

ozett commented 6 years ago

ok, old thread, long ago my first entry. i did not read it properly again - for analysing your problem.

now that i have it running my setup over years, i dont know anymore if there are missing packets. it still works. i only see the stream-image. without glitches no console anymore to check warnings. maybe there a still there... (i have to check explicitly now)

but, i dont see any drop outs in the image. (maybe on the console there are still missing packets warnings)

But, also, maybe i fiddelt with the GPU settings in the raspberry to improve my first error. did you updgraded the whole firmware/raspian to the latest? i can remember to have done this in the past to solve some of infobeamer errors..

maybe also worth checking this for you? https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/configuration/config-txt/memory.md

dividuum commented 6 years ago

If you find out how/if the omxplayer cache option maps to an AVDictionary setting that gets passed into avformat_open_input, we might give that a try. My cargo cult senses tell me that options like this should end up there. :-)

ozett commented 6 years ago

result from running the rtsp-stream with omxplayer?

mattenausohz commented 6 years ago

Sorry, I am still on but a bit busy.. will check and come back

stevemenke commented 6 years ago

Any updates on this. I am having the same problem with dropped packets when streaming from an IP camera. It results in a lost of vertical streaks on the screen.

dividuum commented 6 years ago

No update from my side. If anyone provide an easy way to me to locally reproduce this problem, I'd be happy to help. Otherwise I'm a bit lost on how to approach solving this.

uzlonewolf commented 5 years ago

I use udp, but it's set the same way; just add "buffer_size" to the URL query string. My go-to is udp:// live=1 (yes, the space before "live=1" is correct) to play a stream from a Monoprice BitPath AV extender flashed with the generic Lenkeng full-interface firmware (

If you see [udp @ 0x68a00a70] attempted to set receive buffer to size 5000000 but it only ended up set as 327680 you need to echo 4194304 > /proc/sys/net/core/rmem_max.

gl.setup(1920, 1080)

local video
    video = util.videoplayer("udp:// live=1")

function node.render()
    video:draw( 0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT, 1)

Works great :)

ozett commented 5 years ago

...one year later.... but is the buffer-option in the URL specific to your camera? or a general option for info-beamer?

seems to me, that this url-buffer-option only works with cameras, which have that option for rtsp-streams (even udp) ??

dividuum commented 5 years ago

That's udp protocol options. Handled by ffmpeg/libav which info-beamer uses.

ozett commented 5 years ago

cool! thanks for clarification.

i giv this a rocket too. cool option for rtsp-improvement. 👍

uzlonewolf commented 5 years ago

Looking at the docs it looks like upping reorder_queue_size may help as well; I'd see what adding

