divilian / specstar

Combines SPECscape and SPECnet into one project
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Recolor high navy lines #74

Closed divilian closed 5 years ago

divilian commented 5 years ago

I checked, and no this isn't a devious bug in the code we need to worry about -- it's just a nuisance that makes the plot look wrong.

The issue is the navy lines that have a high agent wealth after stage 3 begins: agentProtoHistory

At first blush, you say "whoa, shouldn't all non-isolates be in a proto when stage 3 starts, by definition? And shouldn't all non-isolates donate all excess money to their proto? How, then, could there ever be an individually rich navy line after stage 3 starts??"

The answer is that "navy" means "wasn't originally an isolate." And indeed, the rich navy line in the plot above started with one neighbor, but then that neighbor got a bad draw and died. Hence that agent was effectively an isolate from that point forward, and so stage 3 began without it being in a proto.

I don't think the solution we want is to color-code the lines by "are they an isolate at simulation end" instead of "were they originally an isolate." That's what we had before I changed it to the current code. The problem with "at sim end" is that when agents die off, the proto partners they leave behind will temporarily become isolates, and the plot looks weird with navy lines transitioning to orange at the end.

Anyway, this bug is: figure out the best way to color-code the lines for agents-who-never-make-it-in-a-proto-regardless-of-whether-they-were-originally-isolates-or-not.

divilian commented 5 years ago

@will-nehrboss, heads up i'm taking this one due to time constraints.