divinites / oauth-mail

A light-weight email agent for Sublime Text 3
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Add some more configuration options #7

Open chew-z opened 8 years ago

chew-z commented 8 years ago

This is really excellent plugin, real joy.

However I wasn't really looking for another email client as you said yourself there is so many. What I was originally looking for was a tool to access (and edit) IMAP Notes. Allow me suggest some new features then ...

You have hardcoded IMAP Path in mailbox.py


If you could make that configurable. For example through separate profile in settings (one for browsing INBOX (silent default) and another profile for INBOX.Notes or whatever path we set explicit). It would be great.

I have been using Sublime Text excelent plugin for writing and editing Evernote notes but since Evernote is locking its free tier I am moving back to IMAP Notes.

If you could consider adding possibility of fetching Notes and pehaps converting from text\html to markdown and then ability of adding new or updating present note (with reconverting markdown to html). Notes could be text\plain or text\html but their structure isn't all that complex as is generic email body.

Sublime Text is ideal tool for editing shot notes innmardown and text. Syncing them to IMAP for Gmail, Outlook, old Apple Notes, Fastmail or self hosted server would be a very nice feature.

divinites commented 8 years ago

Thanks very much for your suggestion. I will put it as a enhancement. (or even not an enhancement, it could be another plugin oauth-note actually)

It is not difficult to add several commands to accommodate IMAP.Note in plain text, I think what is really challenging (for me) is the markdown integration. Hopefully I could find some time to continue work on this plug-in in a month or two, since I am quite busy at this moment.

In another plug-in that I developed recently Github-issue, which is similar to IMAP.NOTE but using Github-Issue as the back-end. ALl the functions are working, but I would like to polish it with more decent tmThemes and shortcut-keys(currently I have not defined any shortcut yet, all commands are run though command palette) before I submit it to package.io. If you want a note synchronizer, probably you want to try this one?

chew-z commented 8 years ago

Converting html to markdown and back on the fly isn't really all that scary as long as you keep small subset of tags. Just don't get draged into markdown flavours and enhancements. Famous html2text will convert to markdown (there are many examples) and there are ready made markdown parsers.

I might hack into your code on some evenings. So when you have time to return to this project we could compare ideas.

I will check your Github-issue project but let's be clear- there ain't much difference between Github and Evernote. One day right before IPO some board member at Github will decide that squeezing 25$ from milions of free tier developers and cashing in on his stocks and his bonus is worth some bad publicity for the company. They have already closed search, they will do more to lock people in. Greed is good

IMAP could be kept with any email provider or self hosted so I like the idea better.

It's funny cause I have had Premium Tier at Evernote since few years and I have never paid anything for it. So I shouldn't complain.

divinites commented 8 years ago

Thanks for your suggestion. Any pull request is, of course, more than welcome.

I ever tried to incorporate html2txt into this plug-in, but for some reason, I reverted back to pure text. But recent development of Github-issue gives me some hope to using markdown as the content editor, so I will have a close look at python-markdown2 and html2txt to see if they can do this job.

I agreed with you on the argument of Github and Evernotes. But Github Issue system is so fantastic, I used it not only for software development, but also for idea recording and document/paper writing. I am afraid that if one day they asked me to pay, considering I have so many private repos and issues recorded, I would have to pay :-(