divinity76 / cacdrive

harddrive emulator using cloudatcost's "cloud storage" as a storage backend.
The Unlicense
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Storage Package Needed? #11

Open C2BB opened 4 years ago

C2BB commented 4 years ago

Does this require CaCs storage package? They offer free upload / download it appears for users without a storage package https://download.cloudatcost.com/

divinity76 commented 4 years ago

well it is designed to require login & storage packages, yes.

the code can be adjusted to upload without logging in at all, but i think that is a very bad idea: files uploaded without logging in will be auto-deleted after some time, i believe. when that happens, you will get random sector read errors!

but files uploaded by logged-in-users will never be deleted, afaik

btw i've been wanting to do a major rewrite of most of the code - the current architecture have some mutex-locking-issues that severely limit the performance of the async upload_multi-api, which is used for uploading data, and maybe it can even lead to data corruption, i'm not 100% sure

but i haven't had the motivation to do so, yet =/