divinity76 / cacdrive

harddrive emulator using cloudatcost's "cloud storage" as a storage backend.
The Unlicense
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Getting too many open files(or possibly communication error) error #14

Open AKoseki opened 3 years ago

AKoseki commented 3 years ago

After starting the app, I was getting an too many files open error, so I've increased the open files limit from 1024 to 100000; Still it errored after a while: (I'm running it inside a screen to keep it alive) https://pastebin.com/0c7MsGDn

Or is it something else?

upload queue no longer empty! (62454)
response length: 0:
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
  what():  upload response length was not 27 bytes long! something went wrong

The app logged in correctly and created and deleted all the files normally, the test passed; however when running it, it closes like that;