Description: This Issue is meant to be a review of all the backend commits and history's taken from my blog into an issue for the formal grading
Code Segment 1 (Crypto Controller Main Parent Class)
In our crypto project we used a the Coin API which is an api all about crypto with the different types of crypto currency data, such as price, time, etc however our group wanted to only sort and implement the transactions size within this api therefore I created this Api controller with serves as a basis of the rest of the sorting algorithms as this is the file that calls the last 10 transactions sizes parsed through our set limit.
Code Segment 2 (Inheritance and Application of Heap Sort)
Within the project requirements we were supposed to use inheritance which is displayed here through the HeapSortController which extends from the parent class of the CryptoApiController, this ultimately displays how the heap sort method works within code and takes the transactions sizes along and run through through an algorithm that tracks time, swaps, compares between the different types of transactions sizes
Code Segment 3 (Bubble Sort)
What this does is the core of how the bubble api uses compares where in this algorithm controller the compare method is used which counts how many times the transaction sizes were compared within the bubble sort algorithm that comes from its own child class similarly created to heap sort.
Krishiv Backend Progress
Description: This Issue is meant to be a review of all the backend commits and history's taken from my blog into an issue for the formal grading
Code Segment 1 (Crypto Controller Main Parent Class)
Code Segment 2 (Inheritance and Application of Heap Sort)
Code Segment 3 (Bubble Sort)